
I was interviewed for the Cellular Cinema podcast.

I was featued in Jes Reyes' series, Artists I Admire.

Here is an article about my Community Media Kit Show project in the Minnesota Daily.

I was in London when my film "Radiofrequency Ablation" played at the Factual Animation Film Fuss. Here I am interviewed for a London video series called Winkball. Here's Windball's report on the festival.

Here's a piece I wrote about my animation work with young people for the International Animation Studies blog:

Large Scale Stop Motion Animation with Youth

Here's an in-depth profile of me on Really, all you need to know to understand my movies:

Here's a pretty incredible write up of my animated feature "Demolition Dreaming by Bill Lindeke of:


Here's a radio interview with my about my work from KUMD:


Here's an article about a residency I did in Gary, MN in March 2015 in the Twin Valley Times:

Twin Valley Times article

Here are interviews with poet Matthew Zapruder and me from Motionpoems about the Motionpoem we made, Albert Einstein:

Motionpoems Interview

Here's a profile of me that was in the COMPAS newsletter:

COMPAS Profile John Akre

An article about MinnAnimate and my animation in the Minnesota Daily:

Minnesota Daily: A Cartoon Community

An article in the Northeaster Newspaper about my animation work and MinnAnimate:

Northeaster: Not Just for Kids

The StarTribune featured me in a video on Art-A-Whirl and a series of photographs of my Animation Station

Star Tribune Art-A-Whirl video

Star Tribune photographs

A half hour interview with me on the Butter City show:

Butter City Interview